Give Us Your Best Shot 2023

First Place Winner by Kelly Johnson
Second Place by Jodi Barrington
Third Place by Susan Manzke

Welcome to the Muehl Public Library’s showcase of the incredible moments captured during our annual photo competition, “Give Us Your Best Shot, 2023”! This year’s event was a resounding success, bringing together the creative spirits of our vibrant community. Let’s delve into the numbers that made this edition memorable:

  • 34 Entries: A visual feast of 34 stunning photographs, each a testament to the diverse perspectives and artistic talents within our library community.

  • 13 Photographers: Thirteen skilled photographers contributed their unique visions, enriching the competition with their creativity and passion for the art of photography.

  • 70 Ballots Cast During the Annual Book Sale: Our community actively engaged in the selection process, casting a total of 70 thoughtful votes during the annual book sale—an integral part of our library tradition.

But the excitement doesn’t end there! We are thrilled to announce the deserving winners of this year’s competition:

🏆 First Place: Kelly Johnson, for a breathtaking mountain range picture that transported us to majestic heights.

🥈 Second Place: Jodi Barrington, who charmed us with an enchanting duo of owls. One patron noted on their ballot, “Cute, fuzzy, grumpy li’l guys.”

🥉 Third Place: Susan Manzke, for a heartwarming capture of a kitten reaching up to a dog’s nose. A patron’s comment on their ballot perfectly captured the essence, “Kitten boops doggy nose and makes me feel happy.”

To all participants, thank you for your enthusiastic contributions! Your talent has illuminated the library with a brilliant array of visual stories. As one patron wisely noted on their ballot, “HARD TO PICK—BUT THEY ARE ALL WINNERS.” Indeed, each photograph has added a special touch to our community tapestry.

Congratulations to the winners and gratitude to everyone who made “Give Us Your Best Shot, 2023” a remarkable celebration of creativity and community spirit! 🎉

Dan voting during the sale
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