Meet Our Staff

elizabeth timmins

Elizabeth Timmins

Library Director & Programmer

21 Years of Service

Leads the staff, reports to the Board of Trustees, cooperates with FMPL (Friends of the Muehl Public Library), partners with the Seymour School District, builds partnerships within the community, keeps the library in good standing with OWLS (the Outagamie Waupaca Library System), promotes the love of reading, executes the vision of the library as a community learning center and a place to highlight community talents.
Email Elizabeth
dan jach

Dan Jach

Custodian & All Around Handy Person

21 Plus Years of Service

Dan loves the variety of tasks at the library. He helps with maintenance issues, both large and small. He takes care of the library pets. He is a good sport for any project we are implementing and need a helping hand with.
Email Dan

Colette Bezio

Graphic Artist & Avid Reader

26 Years of Service

Colette creates the majority of signage for our library. She leads anime afternoons twice a year. She handles DVD, graphic novels, and manga collection development. Colette enjoys VR. Colette is an illustrator. She has written and illustrated books. Her creativity is mind-blowing.
Email Colette
leslie hanseter

Leslie Hanseter

Creative Host & Pop Culture Fan

18 Years of Service

Leslie has excellent taste for what is popular in society. She is a big fan of our Manhattan Short Film Festival. She enjoys Music in the Park, each summer, sponsored by the historical society. Leslie is in charge of adult fiction selection at our library. She does a phenomenal job!
Email Leslie

Jill Mahlik

Teacher & Learner

15 Years of Service

Jill came out of retirement to keep working for the library for a few hours a week. We are grateful! She keeps our library patron records in order. She does the adult non-fiction selection and she does an impeccable job! Jill loves to read—across age levels and across genres. She is excellent at reader’s advisory. Jill knows and loves the community.
Email Jill

Kaarina Menting

Pumpkin Grower & Finnish Immigrant

9 Years of Service

Kaarina is able to see library services through a different lens. This is helpful to us. Her questions and suggestions improve our library. Kaarina helps out with book sales and Better World Books. She also has a vast knowledge about planting and we rely on her help for answering harvesting questions.
Email Kaarina
Angie Boughton

Angie Bougton

Home Schooler & Nature Lover

9 Years of Service

Angie has a lot of knowledge about how to home school that she helps us with. She loves the outdoors and she has good ideas about nature books we should purchase. She helps Jill with adult non-fiction processing. Angie designs our bulletin boards and brings nature inside with beautiful flower displays. Her take it/make it kits are popular. She leads the beading event each winter.
Email Angie
Cindy Borgen

Cindy Borgen

Team Player & Book Champion

2 Years of Service

Cindy hit the ground running during COVID. She is terrific at reader’s advisory. She keeps up an I SPY interactive display in our children’s area. She works on the display case in the foyer. Cindy is great at crochet! She has taught others to crochet at our library. She has taught a fiber arts class to homeschooling families. She makes patrons feel good. Her laughter is contagious. She has a great wit.
Email Cindy
Carol O Rourke

Carol O'Rourke

Organizer & Supporter

1 Year of Service

Carol is generous to fill one work shift that is open at our library. She is great at keeping the collection in order. She enjoys organizing series. From years of serving in education, she has helpful tips to share. Her take it/make it kits are fun!
Email Carol
Cathy Krull

Cathy Krull

Native & Lifelong Learner

Less Than a Year of Service

Cathy loves Seymour! She knows the best Seymour has to offer. She nurtures positive programs and positive people around her. She is a fast learner and able to make quick connections on the fly. She is good at teaching others how to use the library. She is stellar at promoting library services! She takes care of our marquee.
Email Cathy

Carol Pierre

Reader, volunteer shelver
Carol has been a volunteer shelver at our library for 20 plus years! She is upbeat and dedicated. She comes in quietly and just does her thing! She loves to see the books coming and going and enjoys seeing what is new and upcoming at the library. Thank you Carol!

Susan Manzke

Author, volunteer shelver
Susan has been a volunteer shelver at our library for 9 years. She is excited to learn about the collections in the library when she is putting materials back where they belong. She is also active in different activities that happen at the library. She is a local author with books in our holdings. Thank you, Susan!
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