Opening the next chapter
Why Do We Need an Expansion?
The current facility, built in 1994, was always intended to be expanded upon to accommodate growth and the changing needs of our community. It is now past time for the existing facility to expand with a large, multi-use addition. SPACE is the issue! An expansion would accommodate:
- Our growing collection
- Community space for events, study areas, meeting rooms, and special programs
- Expanded access to the tools and resources our community needs
- Increased space to engage and support the young people in our community
What Will
it Look Like?
The new expansion is much more than just a house for books. This multi-functional communal space will serve as a place for our community to gather, create and explore as well as provide a cozy, dedicated, quiet area to study, focus and read.
Our good services will become GREAT when we have additional space. We are a multigenerational learning center, and our imaginations will soar with the ways we can use this new space.
How Can
I Help?
The City of Seymour won’t need to raise taxes – that’s where we need your help! Renew your investment in Seymour and our long-term strategy of connecting the community by donating to our building expansion.
To donate and learn more about our plans for donor recognition, download and fill out our donation slip or click the Donate button below.

The Muehl Public Library is the nexus of a multitude of local activities. There are crafts, games of mental challenge, and visual entertainment events. They are all available to everyone, at little or no cost. Space is currently limited for these activities.
Paul Gregg

Thank-you to our Donors
The following Donators are excited where our imaginations will soar with this additional NEW space. Come join the fun and be a donator!
We are so proud of our donors! Thank you to all those that have already donated!
Did you know?
Seymour has grown 18.7% since 1990.
- Paul and Paula Gregg
- Jean Severson (in memory of Judith Severson, sister and educator)
- Seth & Carolyn Reuter (in honor of Tyler, Mason, Madilyn, and Alayna Reuter)
- Friends of the Muehl Public Library/Mary Ellen Dahlke
- Tom & Ann Duffey
- Cellcom/NSight Teleservices
- CoBank’s Sharing Success Program–partnering with customers to build vibrant rural communities
- Seymour Firefighters, Inc (Volunteer Strife Co. #1)
- Seymour Education Association
- Bernie Dahlin/Nichols Paper
- American Legion Krause-Kraft Post 106 with leadership of John Cumicek
- Mary Ellen Dahlke in honor of Muehl Public Library staff (July, 2019)
- Ken and Helen Blohm, in honor of Mel and Ruth Blohm
- MRTT (Mothers Run This Town) who held a run/walk in April, 2019. Leaders: Chris Potter, Deanne Gerondale, & Debbie Patz and many, many more.
- Becky and Jon Stellmacher Family Fund within the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region
- Becky and Jon Stellmacher
- Perry and Carol Pierre
- In honor of the Kollath farm and in memory of Violet Kollath. A thank you for all the Kollath kids who have thrived at the library.
- Lila Zastrow & David Hendrickson (X2)
- Chuck and Karla Blumreich in memory of Alice M Blumreich
- Matching gift from Secura/Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region to match Chuck and Karla Blumreich’s donation
- Lori & Bill Thiel
- Ann-Marie Karweick (X2) once in honor of Elizabeth Timmins
- Anonymous
- Bobbie Buchholtz (X2)
- Bobbie Buchholtz (in memory of William A. Timmins)
- Bobbie Buchholtz (in memory of Bill Zahn)
- Bobbie Buchholtz (PayPal donation, 1st!)
- Karen & Merlin Kneisler
- Lynn Cartier
- Sandy & Barry Kailhofer (X2) Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary to Kathy and Mike Smits!
- Darlene VanCamp
- City of Seymour
- Community Family Resource Center (CFRC)
- Chris & LuAnn Naze
- Lori Thiel
- Cherry Buttles
- Laura Shepard
- Wade & Beth Wielgus
- Sue & Dan Hafeman
- Donna M. Lynn Howe
- Adam Carey
- Vivian Treml Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary to Kathy and Mike Smits!
- Vivian Treml in memory of Jim Braun
- Rose Doersch (in memory of)
- Janel Angi
- Mary Herb, in honor of the Herb grandchildren
- Don & Donna Otto
- Clarence Smet (in memory of)
- Gregory J Ziegler (X2)
- Mary DeBruin
- Marlene Wiedemann
- Steve & Darla Dorosz
- Elizabeth Moeller (in honor of libraries and all the grandchildren out there who will use them)
- Coonen family (in memory of Bob Coonen who loved the community of Seymour)
- Ione Munger (X2)
- Del Raymakers in honor of Don Raymakers
- Lisa Blohm
- Mary and Dave DeBruin
- Dorothy Schlimm-Sand (for the Schlimm Family) in memory of Mary Elizabeth Schlimm nee Appleton
- Don and Mary Lou Brown
- Staci Sievert & Steve Zahn (with matching gift from Thrivent)
- Roger & Rose (Fritzee) Muench
- Leo Nackers
- Alberta Graham
- Rosie and Jim Wurl
- Gloria J. Wachholz in memory of Clayton Ebert
- Jane Sass in memory of Adeline (Pudge) Lerum
- John and Kay Kurczek
- Dennis Brinkman, in memory of Nancy Brinkman, ‘blessings on your work’
- Roger & Rose Muench, in honor of Ken and Judy Rottier, 50th wedding anniversary
- Kathy & Mike Smits, in honor of Ken and Judy Rottier, 50th wedding anniversary
- Elizabeth Timmins & Mark Naze, in honor of Ken and Judy Rottier, 50th wedding anniversary
- Laurie and Beryl Upp, in memory of Gary Sass, Gary was an active Trustee & Friend
- Todd Lowney, in memory of Gary Sass, Gary was an active Trustee & Friend
- Dick and Donna Lubinski, in celebration of Perry Pierre’s retirement
- Mary Monroe
- Jane Buch, Christmas present for Stephen Buch
- Vicki and Chuck Petersen, $100 club
The library has evolved into a gateway to a better life through lifelong learning. With their boundless energy, libraries open the door to new worlds and opportunities. I urge us all to unite in the efforts to help create a place for everyone to be able to embrace all that the library has to offer.
Bobbie Bucholtz, OWLS Trustee, Frequent User