Educator Collection Request Form
At the Muehl Public Library we are committed to helping educators with their classroom instruction. We are partners with educators in teaching the students of our community.
If you are a teacher, and you are working on a unit in class, we can gather books at the library about the subject you are studying. We need specific instructions from you about what you would like us to gather and how you would like us to reach you. The accompanying form has spaces for you to fill in about what you want your educator collection to contain.
Please give us one week to gather your collection. If you know your themes well in advance you can fill out your forms well in advance, too!
You can also use the Educator Collection Request Form to ask for media and/or reference material about a subject.
Teacher Library Card Available
*In order to get a Teacher Card, the patron must first have, or obtain, a regular OWLSnet (Infosoup) card.
*Teachers must supply their OWLSnet(Infosoup) card and a school ID to prove eligibility.
*The library will create a card, and then link it to the patrons’ regular OWLSnet card in Millennium. The issuing library will keep the teacher card at the library. The patron may check out items to the Teacher Card by presenting their regular card to the desk, and asking for their materials to be checked out on the Teacher Card.
Important: Teacher Cards may only be used at the issuing library.
*Holds can only be picked up at the issuing library.
*Teacher cards expire on June 1 of each year. Teachers may renew the cards at any time after June 1.
Up to 50 holds at a time can be placed on any OWLSnet materials eligible for holds. Up to 150 items at a time can be checked out. The card is to be used for instruction-related materials. Books, magazines and audiobooks can be checked out on the card. (Videos, music, videogames, games and short loan items are not eligible for checkout or holds.) Items will circulate for the same amount of time as items on regular OWLSnet cards.
If the money owed on either the Teacher Card or the regular OWLSnet card meets or exceeds $5, the patron will not be able to check out items on either card. The normal fines of the circulating library will apply. Teachers are responsible for items checked out on Teacher Cards.
This tremendous resource is available to you from Badgerlink, Wisconsin, through your Infosoup library card. There is a wealth of material for you to peruse. Begin with a title or author you are teaching. Find links to lesson plans, websites, games, author interviews, media, and so much more. What is great about Teaching Books is that all the material is gathered FOR YOU. You don’t have to do all the searching! Once you use this educational site, you will be hooked. How to get there:
NoveList (please scroll down on link) and NoveList K-8 (please scroll down on link) are great resources for fiction readers, providing recommended reads, read-alike lists, reviews, discussion guides, books in a series, and more. Made available via BadgerLink.
Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC)
The CCBC is a unique and vital gathering place for books, ideas, and expertise in the field of children’s and young adult literature. The CCBC is a noncirculating examination, study, and research library for Wisconsin school and public librarians, teachers, early childhood care providers, university students, and others interested in children’s and young adult literature. The CCBC is part of the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education, and receives additional support from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. More about the CCBC.
Celebrity READ® Posters - ALA
Order American Library Association Celebrity READ posters here! Inspire young readers with reading posters of their heroes.