Calendar of Events
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- 30Monday Morning Story Time10:30 am - 11:00 amWe work on the five early literacy practices: Singing, Writing, Playing, Reading and Talking in a joyful way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Usually three books are read aloud. , ...
- 1Yarn Club with Cindy Borgen and friends5:30 pm - 7:30 pm, ...
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- 3Manhattan Short Film Festival, 2024=4 opportunities to watch the menu of shorts!7:00 pm - 9:30 pmIn the library meeting space, vote for your favorite film and favorite actor after the showing. Your votes are submitted to Manhattan and tallied along with all of the INTERNATIONAL votes. This is a very exciting opportunity in Seymour! Each year that we have participated, we have voted for at least one of the winners! , ...
- 4Manhattan Short Film Festival, 2024=4 opportunities to watch the menu of shorts!7:00 pm - 9:30 pmIn the library meeting space, vote for your favorite film and favorite actor after the showing. Your votes are submitted to Manhattan and tallied along with all of the INTERNATIONAL votes. This is a very exciting opportunity in Seymour! Each year that we have participated, we have voted for at least one of the winners! , ...
- 5Manhattan Short Film Festival, 2024=4 opportunities to watch the menu of shorts!2:00 pm - 4:30 pmIn the library meeting space, vote for your favorite film and favorite actor after the showing. Your votes are submitted to Manhattan and tallied along with all of the INTERNATIONAL votes. This is a very exciting opportunity in Seymour! Each year that we have participated, we have voted for at least one of the winners! , ...
- 6Manhattan Short Film Festival, 2024=4 opportunities to watch the menu of shorts!2:00 pm - 4:30 pmIn the library meeting space, vote for your favorite film and favorite actor after the showing. Your votes are submitted to Manhattan and tallied along with all of the INTERNATIONAL votes. This is a very exciting opportunity in Seymour! Each year that we have participated, we have voted for at least one of the winners! , ...
- 7Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!10:00 am - 12:00 amSubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...Monday Morning Story Time10:30 am - 11:00 amWe work on the five early literacy practices: Singing, Writing, Playing, Reading and Talking in a joyful way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Usually three books are read aloud. , ...October Board of Trustees Meeting5:30 pm - 6:30 pmOctober 7, 2024 agendaThe Board of Trustees meets monthly to discuss the progress of the library. They are volunteers who lead in the governance of our library. We are grateful for their leadership. , ...
- 8Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...Yarn Club with Cindy Borgen and friends5:30 pm - 7:30 pm, ...
- 9Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...
- 10Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...Narrating your story with Shari Liesch6:30 pm - 8:00 pmThis is a free and extraordinary opportunity with a gifted teacher who is a nurse and a published author/poet. Shari is a local talent who enjoys learning and developing programs to share with others. Give the gift of time, to yourself, to participate in this autumn offering! Thanks! , ...
- 11Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...
- 12October 12, 2024: Palaces for the People by Eric Klinenberg9:00 am - 10:00 amR.E.A.D. (Read Enrich Advise Discuss) We meet in the library meeting space. All welcome to come listen even if you have not yet had a chance to read the book. “An eminent sociologist–and coauthor, with Aziz Ansari, of the #1 New York Times bestseller Modern Romance–makes the provocative case that the , ...Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...
- 13Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...
- 14Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...Monday Morning Story Time10:30 am - 11:00 amWe work on the five early literacy practices: Singing, Writing, Playing, Reading and Talking in a joyful way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Usually three books are read aloud. , ...
- 15Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...Yarn Club with Cindy Borgen and friends5:30 pm - 7:30 pm, ...
- 16Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...
- 17Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...October FMPL meeting6:30 pm - 7:30 pmFMPL (The Friends of the Muehl Public Library) meet to discuss programs and services at our library. They are volunteers who participate in fundraising, promoting, support and camaraderie. We could not be as excellent as we are without their input and generosity. , ...
- 18Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...
- 19Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...
- 20Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...
- 21Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...Monday Morning Story Time10:30 am - 11:00 amWe work on the five early literacy practices: Singing, Writing, Playing, Reading and Talking in a joyful way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Usually three books are read aloud. , ...
- 22Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...Yarn Club with Cindy Borgen and friends5:30 pm - 7:30 pm, ...
- 23Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...
- 24Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...
- 25Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...
- 26Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...Anime Afternoon!4:00 pm - 4:00 pm, ...
- 27Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...
- 28Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...Monday Morning Story Time10:30 am - 11:00 amWe work on the five early literacy practices: Singing, Writing, Playing, Reading and Talking in a joyful way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Usually three books are read aloud. , ...
- 29Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...Yarn Club with Cindy Borgen and friends5:30 pm - 7:30 pm, ...
- 30Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...
- 31Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...
- 1Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...
- 2Give Us Your BEST Shot, 2024!All DaySubmit your entry between October 7 and November 15. We are excited to see this year’s photographic talents emerge from our community! , ...