Friends of the Library
Friends of the Library
(FMPL–Friends of the Muehl Public Library)
The Friends of Muehl Public Library is an ever growing non-profit organization that believes libraries are a vital resource in every community. We are a 501 (c) (3) organization and we are classified as a public charity.
Contact by mail: FMPL c/o Muehl Public Library 436 N. Main Street Seymour, WI 54165-1021
Contact by email: Send an email with “Attn. FMPL” in the subject line to

Programs, Meetings, & Mission
Attend the monthly meetings at the library. Every 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30pm. (IN THE MEETING SPACE @ THE LIBRARY.) We don’t meet in July or December.
Members of FMPL support the library by volunteering their time, efforts and abilities in the following ways:
- Book Sales
- BETTER WORLD BOOKS (prior to Book Sales and sometimes after Book Sales)
- Seroogy’s Candy Bar Sales
- Papa Murphy’s cards sales
- Flower bulbs, two seasonal sales through FLOWER POWER (Wi)
- Advocacy/Library Legislative Day
- Decorating Committee
- Movie Nights
- Multi-generational summer reading and learning program
- Holiday Raffle
- Field trips
- Hosting authors
- Thank you banquets
- Posters
- Flyers
- Special Events
- Underwrite snacks for monthly adult book group, Sept thru May
- Pay for guinea pig and fish needs in the library
- Pay for anime afternoons (April and October) and movie night needs
- Pay for public performance site licenses
- Pay for library’s annual subscription to BOOKPAGE
- Purchase books for 3 local clinics to be handed out at well child visits for REACH OUT & READ
What are the Friends' missions?
- Broaden community awareness and use of library services and resources.
- Support the library in developing library services and resources as needed in our community.
- Raise funds through membership dues and special events to supplement the library budget for materials, equipment and services.
- *Elizabeth and her husband Mark attended the REACH OUT AND READ fundraiser @ the Building for Kids in Appleton on Thursday, September 26, 2024.
- *Deanna (FMPL Secretary and past Treasurer {for a decade!} ) and Elizabeth attended the REACH OUT AND READ all-day training @ Bubolz Nature Preserve in Appleton on Friday, September 27, 2024.
News from FMPL
Upcoming FMPL Events
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